Think. Compose. Expose.

Sunday, December 16, 2007


After a series of complications on my part, my Sunday Lifestyles piece "A way of life" had to be thrown together rather quickly. By quickly I mean 3 days which seems like a long time but its really not when you have so many things to do: photography, write the story, cutlines and online slideshows. I overlooked a few important images to the story which was written after the layout was completed and in place. Overall the images are weak but help the reader better visualize the story.

This is the calf talked about in the story that's been hand raised by the Ramona and Catherine.

1 comment:

Simeon Kennels said...

I saw and very muched enjoyed the story and the photos. It did seems somewhat abbreviated story. Overall very nice, I would like to see more of this type of story in the Progress. Good job.